Monday, April 19, 2010


I just finished the last Fablehaven book a couple of days ago. It's kind of funny because both Sarah and my friend Susan recommended them to be, but I didn't really feel like reading them for a while. (Maybe I was getting sick of fantasy, I don't know). Anyway, I have to admit I started reading them right after Susan returned one of my books she had borrowed telling me that it was too much like Lord of the Rings to be interesting (which I had to disagree with, but honestly, what fantasy book out there doesn't have elements of Lord of the Rings in it?), so I went into reading the first book in the series thinking, "Oh yeah? Well, I bet this book is a rip-off of other fantasy books too!" I did find many similarities with plot points to other fantasy books, but after I while I let that go because the author wrote in such an engaging style that I just enjoyed reading them for their own sake.

All in all, I was really pleased with the series of books individually and as a series. I was very pleased with how the series ended, and I think the books are totally rereadable. In fact, I reread half of the first book right after I finished it because I enjoyed it so much. I need to reread the series again anyway because there were some things mentioned in the final book that were a little hazy for me (I read pretty fast and don't always absorb the details), but I'm not sad about that.

One of the things that really stuck out to me in the final book was the discussion that Patton had with Seth (ok, not really discussion, but I didn't know what else to call it). I thought his point about making choices was really true in our lives as well. I liked how he addresses bad decision making and learning from past mistakes. I don't want to go into huge detail for those who haven't been lucky enough to read it yet, but it really made me think about how that applies to what I'm trying to do in my life.


  1. I'm so jealous that you've already read the last book. I've enjoyed reading Fablehaven too and can't wait till I can get my hands on the last book. Thanks for not spoiling the ending!

  2. I really enjoyed the Fablehaven books as well. I was a little skeptical at first because Seth's character drove me nuts in the first book. However, I really enjoyed what the author did with the character development of Seth. He turned out to be quite the hero, despite what he did in the 5th book. I think my favorite scene from the entire series is when Seth faces the revenant in the grove of trees in the second book. He drinks the courage potion and then feels a wave of confidence. He ends up running right up to it and then performs a bunch of kung-fu moves to give it a taste of what was to come. Then he flexes his arms to give the revenant "two good reasons" to surrender. I still laugh every time I read that.

  3. I completely agree! I LOVED the revenant part too! I could read that over and over. I did think that Brandon Mull made Seth a little over-annoying sometimes. I did like the juxtaposition of Seth's "evil" powers and his sister's "good" powers.
